What is a donor?
To us at Sanctuary a donor is much more than just someone who writes a cheque, or hands over some cash. For us, they're everything.
Helping out can happen in many ways - from donations of money and items, and even giving of their personal time, our donors are invaluable to us. Without them Sanctuary wouldn't be what it is today.
There's nothing like receiving monetary donations to help keep us up and running. The bills need to be paid, staff needs to be on site, and little tummies need to be full. With the help of these donations we can do all that and more. We all know that money is an everyday necessity, especially for a non-profit organization.
We love receiving food donations, or better yet, the children love this. The giving of food provides our growing kids with several options throughout the day. It offers many of them a chance to try something new! Our families do, at times, benefit from this as well. Anything that we cannot use on site (such as single serve items, breakfast items and the like) will be given to a family who "needs a little extra".
Hopefully, with the right support, it shouldn't be too long now before we're able to offer hot dinners again. Not only because kids need nutritious, balanced meals, but by us providing a hot supper every night, and at times having parents come and dine with their children, it enables these families to have more quality time with one another. The rush after a work/school day to cook and clean-up a meal isn't there, and instead families can focus on each other - such as parents and their kids reading together, mom or dad helping with homework, or playing family board games before bedtime. All of which play a super important part in raising happy, healthy kids.
As well, we consider our volunteers to be donating their time when they come spend a couple of hours with the children, or help the Board (whom are also volunteers) with fundraising and such.
The kids always look forward to having more adults around to spend time with. Children love to learn new things, and each one of us plays a very important role in these young minds. Any skills we may bring, or any human differences they see offer great insight into how ones life choices can shape who we become in the future. All extremely important in the development process.
When volunteers donate their time 'behind the scenes', it is a tremendous help for all involved. Extra hands means more work getting done, and for us that means additional assurance of care for the children in our community.
As you can see, donations for Sanctuary are a true gift, and go a very long way. There is no form of giving that is too big or too small. We are thankful every day to the generous souls that contribute, or have contributed, to the continued success of our services.
